About Le Sauce & Co.

Food & Joy Go Together

About Le Sauce & Co.

Food & Joy go together. Le Sauce & Co. Exists to help you turn everyday into a gourmet food experience without the added time or effort. We think delicious food equals more joy and we hope you do too!

We love when we can enjoy more time sitting around the table savoring a meal, talking, relaxing and having a few less dishes to do helps too! It is in these moments that life finds true flavor for us.

Le Sauce & Co. is a family operated business.

Bon Apetit.

Sustainability Is Woven Into What We Do And How We Do It

It begins with our choice of all natural ingredients, and a deep desire to be good stewards of what we have been entrusted with. One thing you may or may not know about flexible packaging is that it has several environmental advantages over glass jars.

Flexible packaging minimizes breakage, reduced food waste, and it a 70% lower eco footprint compared to glass containers. According to the EPA, despite glass being naturally recyclable, only 30% of glass in the US is recycled. In addition, we try and size our products to meet the needs of the way you use the produce.

Often, we buy a container of something, use part of it and place the rest in the refrigerator. Three months later we remember it and then it has gone bad. Whenever possible, we only put two servings in the package to help with freshness and reduce food waste.

Being a good steward is our goal and we work to get a little better every day in this area.