Discover the exceptional taste and quality of our gourmet pasta sauce made with Italian imported...
Exploring the benefits of offering products in two serving sizes to reduce food waste and...
Homemade vs. Take Out is not a fair competition. I cannot remember one time, not...
Why Using Only Whole Foods in our Products is so Important to us at Le...
Best Techniques for Cooking Pasta Learn the top tips and techniques for cooking pasta like...
The Ultimate Guide to Recognizing a True Foodie Discover the tell-tale signs that you are...
Introducing Le Sauce & Co. Gourmet Pasta Sauces In the world of deliciousness, there is something...
Welcome back to the table, We hope you are ready for another delicious meal. We...
And how you can serve them tonight.
For starters, no there is no alcohol in the finished product. It is all cooked out by the end of the cooking process.
So, what really is our Mole de Puebla gourmet finishing sauce? The word “Mole” comes from the “Nahuatl word “molli, which means “Sauce””.
Our roasted poblano and garlic gourmet finishing sauce is unlike anything you’ve ever eaten.