Steak Burger with Mashed Potatoes and Classic Demi-Glace

Steak Burger with Mashed Potatoes and Classic Demi-Glace


Ingredients: 2 Servings 

  • 1 lb ground bison 

  • 1-3 small potatoes 

  • ½ cup milk

  • 1 tbsp salted butter

  • 2 cloves Garlic

  • 1 small broccoli crown

  • ¼  tsp salt

  • ¼ black pepper

  •  1 pouch Le Sauce & Co.® Classic Demi-Glace Finishing Sauce



  1. Wash and dry potatoes.
  2. Take ground sirloin out of the fridge and form into steak shape. Set aside.
  3. In a small pan put thinly chopped garlic and a tablespoon of butter, heat on low on stove top. Stirring occasionally. Be careful not to let the garlic brown.
  4. When garlic and butter is sizzling, turn off heat and add 1/2 cup of milk. Turn heat back on the lowest setting and do not cover.
  5. Stab potato with fork, 4 times each side then wrap in a paper towel. Place potatoes in the microwave, about 3 minutes per side. To check if done, poke with knife and if knife goes into potato easily it is cooked. If not, put it back in the microwave in 1 minute increments until cooked through.
  6. In a pot, add enough water to cover broccoli along with a pinch of salt. Turn on high heat until water comes to a boil. Cook for 5-10 minutes depending on your preferred doneness. 
  7. Once the potato is cooked, take out of the microwave, halve, scooping out both sides into a bowl. Pour in garlic, butter, and milk mix to the bowl. Salt and Pepper potatoes.
  8. While broccoli cooks, take out a Cast Iron pan or skillet, pre heat on high for 2-3 minutes. Put meat on the skillet to cook.
    • Medium Rare- 3 minutes each side
    • Medium- 4 Minutes each side. 
  9. Open and heat Classic Demi-Glace on low for 2-3 minutes
  10. Finish and Serve, Divide steak burger, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Drizzle Demi-Glace and serve. Enjoy. 

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